Bowling Rates & Info
Lane Rentals
Mon - Fri $4.25 per game
Open to 5pm
Mon - Fri $4.75 per game
5pm to close
Sat - Sun $4.75 per game
Open to close
Hourly $35 per hour
Up to 6 people per lane. Shoes included.
Half Center Rentals $300 per hour
Half of the alleys, including party room. Shoes included.
Entire Center Rentals $600 per hour
All of the alleys, including party room. Shoes included.
Shoe Rental $3.50
Hourly $25 per hour
$25 for first bowler, then $5 for each additional bowler. Up to 6 people per lane. Shoes included.
Per Person $6 per game
Birthday Packages – See our Party Page